Celebrating Daddy's Birthday at The Pizza House!
The "Valentine" Birthday Boys
Kendal and Ben's Valentine's kiss!
This year for Greg's birthday/Valentine's day, we met everyone in Ann Arbor at the Pizza House to celebrate. Doug (his birthday too!), Jocelyn, the girls, Joce's parents, my parents, Greg's parents and Danny all came to enjoy a wonderful meal and evening together. We of course had great food and dessert. Greg's mom brought a cake from a bakery in Tecumseh and I made a bunch of heart-shaped cupcakes. It was really nice to see everyone and Greg always enjoys spending time with Doug to celebrate their birthday!
On Friday after Valentine's Day we had all of the neighbors over to celebrate Greg's birthday and to eat some cake. Ben and Kendal played together for awhile when Maddy was swimming and they even snuck in a few kisses. Saturday my parents came up to watch Ben while Greg and I went out on a date. We had a nice time in Royal Oak visiting with the Runyan's and eating in downtown Royal Oak. It was an enjoyable weekend and Greg is looking forward to making the last year in his 20's the best one yet! (sorry Greg I had to add that! )