Wednesday, October 15, 2008

2 Year Stats

Ben had his wellness checkup the day after his 2nd Birthday...he is still doing great! He was 38 inches tall (still off the charts) and weighed 30.0 lbs (he only gained about 1/2 lb since last visit at 18 months) which is finally showing us he might be tall and lean after all. For a while Greg and I were wondering where he was getting his stockiness from...both of us were bean poles as kids :) He talks pretty much none stop...his newest phrase is Mommy/Daddy watch this! Then he waits for the appropriate response....Wow! or Cool Buddy! If he doesn't get a response he continues to do it until he gets one. He loves Cider Mills...if you ask him if he wants to go he always says...Yeah...goats and donuts! Today he told me he wanted to go bye bye to see the goats and donuts...what a memory! He is doing okay with the transition to the toddler bed...some nights better then others but usually about 1 time a night one of us has to take him back to his own bed and wait for him to go back to sleep. I am hoping this will continue to get easier and soon he will stay in his own room the whole night!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

It's been awhile!

Sorry for such the long delay between posts...this fall has just been absolutely crazy for us. Between all the birthdays, new babies, and weddings, I just feel like the weeks are flying by and I just haven't taken the time to sit down and update. A lot has happened since the last post:

  • Emma's 4th Birthday Party

  • Ben received his first haircut...just a trim so he didn't look like such a wild man (a little bitter sweet)

  • Ben picked apples for the first time and even got to take a wagon/tractor ride

  • Kailer turned 1

  • Ben's Great-Grandma turned 90!!!

  • Ben turned 2 and had 2 wonderful birthday parties

  • Ben now sleeps in a toddler bed...he climbed out of the crib 2 times in a row (conveniently the same night the pediatrician asked if he had done that yet...crazy, huh?)

  • The Guilds came up to Howell and stayed for a long weekend

We have been so busy lately but with a bunch of great things. This weekend Greg is in a wedding and then after that we should be some what relaxed for a while.

Emma and her Princess Castle Cake

All the Abbott Grandkids

The 1st haircut...he was such a good boy

Look how handsome!

After all the hard work of picking apples

Kailer digging in to her Birthday cake

Getting ready to blow out the candles

Opening birthday presents

Eating Shrek cupcakes at his 2nd Birthday Party

Trying to open the pinata

The 3 newest cousins on the Abbott side: Kendall, Sam, and Lila

Ben peeking out of the fort

Jeff and Greg took the boys to Castaway Cafe...the moms shopped :)

Andrew, Ben, and Michael

Ben and Andrew playing on the train